ELFs / Kino Monoplexx - Moon Rock for Monday

ELFs / Kino Monoplexx - Moon Rock for Monday

Nine-year-old Monday is terminally ill and is home-schooled by her father Bob in Sydney, her only contact with the outside world is her weekly visit to the hospital. Monday’s imagination is captured by the Moon Rock (Uluru) which she believes will heal her. She really wants to visit it, but her father can’t afford the trip. By a twist of fate she becomes caught up in a police chase involving sixteen-year-old Tyler. He uses Monday to evade the police, but despite this they soon form a friendship. They decide to head to the Northern Territory to the Moon Rock. Meanwhile, Bob is desperately trying to find his daughter.

Whimsical and sweet, Moon Rock for Monday is beautifully shot, is anchored by two truly superb leading performances and it will fill you with a childlike joy and optimism. – Matthew Eeles – Cinema Australia

Do, 19. Jänner, 20 Uhr, in der Alten Gerberei
Eintritt: € 10,--

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