ELFs Kino - 23 WALKS

ELFs Kino - 23 WALKS

Pensioner Dave is a retired psychiatric nurse, living alone near Hampstead Heath, London, where he regularly walks his gentle, elderly German shepherd Tillie. One day, Dave meets a woman out walking her Yorkshire terrier Henry, and she chastises him for not keeping Tillie on a lead. However, on another walk he exchanges more friendly words with Henry’s owner, whom he eventually learns is a divorcee named Fern. Over time and distance covered in sensible footwear, the two develop a friendship that takes a romantic turn.

A gentle, sweet, funny, romantic story of love in later life following a couple in their sixties, Dave and Fern, who get to know one another over the course of 23 dog walks.

Set against the dramatic background of the changing seasons in London's beautiful Hampstead Heath.

Do, 21. Juli, 20 Uhr, in der Alten Gerberei
Eintritt: € 9,--

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