ELFs Kino - Supernova

ELFs Kino - Supernova

Couple of 20 years Sam and Tusker - who is suffering from early onset dementia - are travelling through the Lake District, visiting family and old haunts on the way to Sam’s upcoming piano recital. With every moment becoming increasingly precious, Sam discovers Tusker is withholding a secret. 

With an ease and intimacy, both actors Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci create a lived-in relationship, Tucci is in quixotic, intoxicating form using cheek and wit to hide a reservoir of feelings, a man who desperately wants to be remembered for who he was, rather than what he is about to become. But it’s Firth who provides the real heart of the film. He delivers top-tier stoic support, but also perfectly conveys a breaking heart beneath the knitwear. He skilfully captures the strange predicament of loving someone with dementia, that sense of mourning a person while they are still alive.

Do, 17. März, 20 Uhr, in der Alten Gerberei
Eintritt: € 9,--

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